The list of passive electronic components can not only adapt to the high and low frequency environment, but also can filter the capacitor in series to eliminate a variety of harmonic current, which is respected by the industry. In addition, the professional list of passive electronic components has played the most professional level in practical applications, promoting the stable operation of the power grid. In addition, filter reactors are selected for the following reasons:

1. It is conducive to filtering and absorbing harmonics in the power grid

list of passive electronic components mainly through multiple high-frequency harmonic current, when the current frequency is high to a certain extent, the inductive reactance will increase. Therefore, for high frequency AC power, the list of passive electronic components can play an important role in blocking high frequency in the circuit. In addition, the list of passive electronic components can not only meet the tuning characteristics of the filter, but also have high frequency resistance that directly determines the heating characteristics of the product. Therefore, letting direct current and low frequency current pass through can promote it. It plays an important role in filtering and absorbing harmonics in the power grid.

2, improve the power factor to ensure the safe operation of the power grid system.

list of passive electronic components can be generally divided into single phase and three phase, are iron core dry reactor, the voltage between the two ends can withstand is superimposed harmonic voltage, harmonic component and inductance are relatively large. Therefore, the list of passive electronic components coils must be specially wound with flat copper wire that meets the requirements, and tightly and evenly arranged according to the requirements, and the core must be made of the best quality steel plate and low-loss cold-rolled silicon. At the same time, the list of passive electronic components and capacitors are basically connected in series on the power line, and the clamps and fasteners of the reactor are made of non-magnetic materials to ensure the high quality of the reactor, which is auspicious to improve the power factor to ensure the safe operation of the power grid system.

In short, the list of passive electronic components, as mentioned above, can not only effectively absorb harmonics of the power grid, but also improve the power factor of the system to ensure the safe operation of the power grid system. In order for affordable and powerful filtration reactors to perform at a professional level during use, staff must become more familiar with the relevant expertise.

list of passive electronic components