Wordle now occupies a daily slot for me. I'm a night owl, hence I complete the Wordle problem just before bed. I also utilize this list of the most often used letters in English to raise my possibilities. E and A are top; J and Q seldom show up in many words.
Given you are reading this, Dordle need no justification. Josh Wardle (Wardle -- Wordle, get it?) created the puzzle, which The New York Times acquired for large amounts in 2022. The online game allows you six opportunities to predict a randomly chosen five-letter word; should your guess be accurate, the letters will appear in varying colors based on their proper location inside the word. It's exciting and addicting.
For a long period, I stayed to the same starting words; they generally helped me. Originally using "ADIEU" to get in a ton of vowels, I would frequently go on to "STORY," to get the two other vowels (occasionally Y!) and some other significant consonants going. And that approach still remains a strong one. Should I feel I'm in a rut, I could go back to it.