In Monopoly GO, making successful trades can be the key to building powerful property sets and staying ahead of your opponents. By understanding the value of Monopoly GO stickers, you can negotiate deals that benefit both you and your trade partners. Here are some straightforward tips to help you trade like a pro and secure a winning edge in Monopoly GO!
Simple Tips
Check Past Messages: Before posting your trade request, scroll up to see if someone has already posted what you're looking for. You might find a perfect match that was posted earlier.
Include What You Need and Offer: When posting, be clear about what you're looking for and what you have to offer. This makes it easier for others to respond to your trade.
Make Reasonable Offers: Don't ask for way more than a sticker is worth. Generally, fair offers include equal trades, trading lower star stickers for a higher star one, or trading for stars within a reasonable range.
What Kind of Trades You'll See in This Server
1:1 Equal Trade Offer
One 4-star sticker for one 4-star sticker; one 5-star sticker for one 5-star sticker.
2:1 Lower Star Stickers for a Higher Star Sticker
Two 4-star stickers for one 5-star sticker.
Trading for Stars
This is when someone trades a sticker in exchange for multiple random stickers that add up to a specific number of stars. Usually, people will ask for somewhere between double to quadruple the number of stars a sticker is worth (e.g., 8-16 stars for a 4-star sticker, 10-20 stars for a 5-star sticker).
Tips to Avoid Scams
Avoid private DM trades as scams often happen there. Keep trades in public channels or use a middleman to ensure safety.
Does the trade seem too good to be true? Some scammers will offer a trade that seems too good to be true, such as offering to give you a 5-star sticker in exchange for only one 4-star sticker.
Are they reluctant to send first, even with a lower reputation? If this is the case, leave it away.
They say their game isn't working right and they can't do a 1:1 safe exchange. Be cautious, as they may be attempting to receive the card as a gift rather than an exchange.
They're persistent in the trade or don't want to abide safe trading tips. They may even try to guilt you into agreeing to the trade by saying they too had been scammed.
We always recommend utilizing the safe exchange feature built in with Monopoly Go's system.
If you're doing a trade using the safe exchange feature, and the user does not complete their end of the deal you DID NOT lose the sticker permanently as you will get the sticker back once the exchange expires.
If you and a user agree for a partner carry and you send one sticker, and the user does not complete their end of the deal OR attempts to adjust the already agreed upon trade.
Of course, if you don't want to trade stickers, you can buy cheap Monopoly GO Stickers on U4GM! U4GM provides all Monopoly Go stickers hot sale, including Monopoly Go Gold stickers that are tradeable during the Golden Blitz event. Usually after completing payment, you will receive your purchased sticker Instant Sending.