In the vast and immersive world of WoW Classic Season of Discovery, where adventurers seek both glory and riches, mastering the art of gold-making becomes a crucial aspect of the journey. In this guide, we delve into the Southeastern part of Stranglethorn Vale, uncovering the top 10 WoW SoD Gold-making methods for 2024. From hidden bottles and scrolls to underwater treasures and high-demand materials, this guide will equip you with diverse strategies to amass wealth and thrive in the challenging landscapes of Azeroth.

Stranglethorn Bottles and Scrolls:

In the Southeastern part of Stranglethorn Vale, adventurers can loot hidden bottles with a chance to find valuable scrolls. Scrolls of agility and strength fetch high prices in the auction house, especially when posted before Blackfathom Deeps raids. Herbalists can also benefit from nearby Strangle Kelp.

Booty Bay Resupply:

A pit stop in Booty Bay offers a chance to purchase Mana and Greater Healing Potions. While this may seem like a resupply, savvy players can turn a profit by reselling these potions on the auction house, often at 10 to 20 times the purchase price.

Desolace Vendor:

A vendor in Desolace patrols the road, offering Scrolls of strength, agility, and stamina, along with cooking recipes. Purchasing these items presents an opportunity to either resell them immediately or keep them for Phase Two, when their demand may increase.

Big Iron Fishing Pole Hunt:

Venture to the southwestern part of Desolace with a chance to dive down and loot cages. These cages may yield the coveted Big Iron Fishing Pole, which allows fishing in higher-level zones. Druids and rogues are recommended for this farm due to their underwater abilities.

Underwater Breathing Farm:

Utilize underwater breathing elixirs or abilities to farm grave moss in the Less Zone. This high-level area provides ample spawn locations for grave moss, a material in demand for crafting shadow protection potions.

Duskwood Grave Moss Farm:

Head to the western part of Duskwood, particularly Raven Hill, for another location to farm grave moss. The area is less crowded during off-peak hours or raid times, making it an ideal spot for herbalists.

Scarlet Monastery Grave Moss Farm:

While challenging, farming grave moss in Scarlet Monastery is a viable option for those seeking high-demand materials. Rogues or characters with vanish can navigate the elite enemies, but caution is advised.

Two-Account Dungeon Elite Farm:

For those with two accounts, pulling high-level enemies with one character while looting chests with the other can yield valuable green and blue items. This strategy requires dual accounts for optimal results.

Neutral Auction House Flipping:

Utilize the neutral auction house to either sell or purchase items at favorable prices. This method involves exploiting price differences between factions, offering potential profits.

Wild Steel Bloom and Swiftthistle Farm:

Seek out Wild Steel Bloom and Swiftthistle in strategic zones. Routes in Silverpine Forest, the Barrens, Wetlands, and Hillsbrad Foothills offer abundant spawn locations for these herbs, leading to high-profit opportunities.


Embark on your journey through WoW Classic Season of Discovery armed with the knowledge of these diverse gold-making methods. From hidden treasures in Stranglethorn Vale to the underwater depths of Desolace, each strategy presents unique challenges and opportunities. As you amass wealth, remember that adaptation and strategy are key in the ever-evolving landscapes of Azeroth. May your pockets be heavy with cheap WoW Classic SoD Gold as you conquer the challenges that await in this classic realm.