When it comes to sewing machines, there are various types available to suit different sewing needs. One such type is the chain stitch sewing machine, which is widely used in the textile and garment industry. In this blog post, we will explore the basic knowledge of chain stitch sewing machines, including their functionality, advantages, and the expertise of Bedoly, a leading manufacturer in this field.

1.Introduction to Chain Stitch Sewing Machines

Chain stitch sewing machines are designed to create a specific type of stitch known as the chain stitch. This stitch is formed by interlocking loops of thread, creating a strong and flexible seam. Chain stitch machines are commonly used for sewing hems, attaching waistbands, and decorative stitching.


Chain Stitch Sewing Machines

2.How Chain Stitch Machines Work

Chain stitch sewing machines operate by using a single thread, unlike other types of sewing machines that use both upper and lower threads. The thread is looped through the fabric, and as the needle is withdrawn, a looper mechanism forms a loop, which is then interlocked with the previous loop to create the chain stitch.

3.Advantages of Chain Stitch Sewing Machines

Chain stitch sewing machines offer several advantages that make them a popular choice in many industries:

3.1. Elasticity: The chain stitch itself is inherently elastic, making it ideal for applications that require stretchability, such as sewing knit fabrics or creating durable seams.

3.2. Speed: Chain stitch machines are known for their high sewing speed, allowing for efficient production in industrial settings. The continuous chain stitch formation enables rapid stitching, increasing productivity.

3.3. Easy Removal: One of the unique features of chain stitches is that they can be easily removed by unraveling the thread from one end. This makes alterations or repairs much simpler, saving time and effort.

3.4. Decorative Stitching: Chain stitch machines are often used for decorative stitching due to their ability to create intricate and eye-catching designs. This makes them valuable in the production of garments, upholstery, and other textile products.

4.Applications of Chain Stitch Sewing Machines

Chain stitch sewing machines find application in various industries, including:

4.1. Apparel Industry: Chain stitch machines are widely used in the apparel industry for sewing hems, attaching waistbands, and creating decorative stitching. They are particularly useful for sewing jeans, as the chain stitch provides the necessary strength and flexibility.

4.2. Upholstery: Upholstery requires durable stitching to withstand frequent use and stress. Chain stitch machines excel in sewing upholstery fabrics, ensuring long-lasting seams and a professional finish.

4.3. Bag and Shoe Manufacturing: Chain stitch machines are essential in the production of bags and shoes, providing secure stitching for handles, seams, and decorative elements.

4.4. Automotive Industry: Chain stitch machines are used in the automotive industry for sewing car seats, headliners, and other interior components. The chain stitch offers the required strength and flexibility to withstand the demands of the automotive environment.


Chain Stitch Sewing Machines

5.Bedoly: Expertise in Chain Stitch Sewing Machines

Bedoly is a reputable manufacturer that specializes in chain stitch sewing machines. With years of experience and expertise, Bedoly offers high-quality machines that meet the diverse needs of the textile and garment industry. Their chain stitch machines are known for their reliability, durability, and precision stitching.

Bedoly's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has led to the development of advanced chain stitch sewing machines. These machines incorporate the latest technologies to enhance productivity, improve stitch quality, and provide user-friendly features.


In conclusion, chain stitch sewing machines are versatile tools that offer unique stitching capabilities and advantages. With their elasticity, speed, ease of removal, and decorative stitching capabilities, these machines find applications in various industries. Bedoly, as a leading manufacturer, offers high-quality chain stitch sewing machines that meet the demands of the textile and garment industry. Upgrade your sewing capabilities with Bedoly's expertise and experience the precision and efficiency of chain stitch sewing machines.