• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4TeqRMSiI8
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  • What does a nootropic do?
    One example of a pure nootropic that might help boost human brain function is cinnamon. Cinnamon happens to be shown to have possible as a remedy for Alzheimer's disease. Study suggests that taking a tiny quantity of cinnamon improved memory in people who have Alzheimer's disease. There are many nootropics supplements accessible in the marketplace that contain a mix of natural herbs along with...
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  • Was sind die Vorteile des Fernstudiums?
    Ihre Registrierungsdaten enthalten alle Ihre persönlichen Daten, einschließlich Ihres Namens, E-Mail-Adresse und IP-Adresse. Die Registrierungsdaten können geändert werden, indem Sie sich auf der Website anmelden und auf die Schaltfläche "Profil aktualisieren" klicken. Ihre Anmeldedaten für die Prüfung. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Schulungen zu besuchen,...
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  • JOHN 14:6 (KJV) Jesus said unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the lLIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

    Any Questions?
    JOHN 14:6 (KJV) Jesus said unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the lLIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. Any Questions?
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    馃敟 Simply stated, TV is a tool of the devil. The antenna is the horns and the plug is the tail.

    馃敟 Why do they call TV shows PROGRAMS? Because the content PROGRAMS our minds with unhealthy and unholy content, which defiles our mind, linked to defiling our heart and defiles our body, which is a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells.

    鉁濓笍 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 (KJV)
    What? Know you not that your body is the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS IN YOU, which you have of God, and you are not your own?
    20 For you are bought with a price: therefore GLORIFY GOD IN YOUR BODY, and in your spirit, which are God's.

    OUR EYES AND EARS ARE GATEWAYS TO OUR MIND 馃敟 Simply stated, TV is a tool of the devil. The antenna is the horns and the plug is the tail. 馃敟 Why do they call TV shows PROGRAMS? Because the content PROGRAMS our minds with unhealthy and unholy content, which defiles our mind, linked to defiling our heart and defiles our body, which is a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells. 鉁濓笍 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 (KJV) What? Know you not that your body is the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS IN YOU, which you have of God, and you are not your own? 20 For you are bought with a price: therefore GLORIFY GOD IN YOUR BODY, and in your spirit, which are God's. https://youtu.be/WoOEQ6DfA9k
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  • 馃さ Are you looking for a Pastor who will TRUTHFULLY answer your Bible questions and concerns? Here I am!

    <3 Ask them here, or message me for a confidential reply.
    馃さ Are you looking for a Pastor who will TRUTHFULLY answer your Bible questions and concerns? Here I am! <3 Ask them here, or message me for a confidential reply.
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  • 馃敟 We are all born as sinners, separated from God and destined for Hell. Being "lost" means one is "separated" from God, and being "saved" means one has been "restored" unto God.

    鉁濓笍 God has made a way through Christ Jesus for us to redeem ourselves, giving us the free will and choice to live for God and see Heaven, or live for ourselves and miss Heaven, spending eternity in Hell.

    馃憫 The Kingdom of God has come to you today. Do not let it pass you by. I am here to help. Simply leave me a message and we will go from there.
    馃敟 We are all born as sinners, separated from God and destined for Hell. Being "lost" means one is "separated" from God, and being "saved" means one has been "restored" unto God. 鉁濓笍 God has made a way through Christ Jesus for us to redeem ourselves, giving us the free will and choice to live for God and see Heaven, or live for ourselves and miss Heaven, spending eternity in Hell. 馃憫 The Kingdom of God has come to you today. Do not let it pass you by. I am here to help. Simply leave me a message and we will go from there.
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